Apple buds

Apple buds on the old apple tree.

Pruning shrubs

Lush Lawn

The grass is doing well!

Lawn progression

The second half of the turf was delivered today, and Stuart completed the laying. It’s starting to feel like we have a garden now!

Whitebeam progress

Now that the leaves have opened on the whitebeams, they are wasting no time in growing – it’s amazing how quickly the stems are increasing in size. One of the trees is even sprouting rowan from the base – no doubt coming from the rowan root stock that the whitebeams are grafted onto.

Four of the five trees seem to be doing well, but the growing tip of one isn’t growing, so it will likely need some remedial action.

The older whitebeam in the front garden, though apparently a different variety, gives us a good idea of what we can look forward to.

May flowers #2

Currant update

The Ben lomond currant seems to be doing well, though it looks like most of the flowers succumbed to the strong winds recently. Still, we weren’t expecting much fruit from the currants this year. Big Ben doesn’t seem to be doing so well – it was really stripped by the deer. However, there are signs of new shoots from the base, so hopefully it will still be able to get in a good year’s growth.

The best of all, is a flowering currant which had self seeded in an overgrown gutter – now we just need to decide where to plant it.