Lawn problems

The lawn isn’t looking so good now. Lots of dead grass.

Lush Lawn

The grass is doing well!

Lawn progression

The second half of the turf was delivered today, and Stuart completed the laying. It’s starting to feel like we have a garden now!

Turfs up

Finally the day has arrived to transform bare earth into lawn. The first half of the turf arrived today, and Stuart worked hard all day getting it laid down. Even incomplete, the transformation is clear.

Dandelion weeding

Our front lawn is rather infested with dandelions, which create rather unsightly patches which stand out because the dandelion leaf is lower than the thatch of the grass! Today we set about removing a lot, and filled a large trug in the process.

Dandelion weeding

Dandelion weeding

Update – apparently a lot of are dandelions aren’t dandelions at all, but are in fact hawkweed (family Asteraceae), though they look quite similar and are equally unwelcome on our lawn!

Cutting Grass

Time to cut the grass for the first time this year. With hardly any grass now at the back (for now) it’s just the grass at the front and side to cut. These areas have more moss, dandelions and other weeds than grass, so I gave the grass a ‘close shave’. Still a good inch or two of thatch though… at some point we’ll need to start scarifying. A thorough scarification would probably leave us with very little grass, so that’s a project for some time in the future.

Update – I’ve since learned that the best thing for a moss infested lawn is not to cut the grass too short so the grass gets a chance to compete with the moss. We’ll also fertilize and add moss killer in coming weeks, so hopefully the grass will be a little healthier by year end.